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Thursday, 1 June 2017

"✌Two Phases Of Life🕐"

"✌Two Phases Of Life🕐"

(In these lines, I want to express my views on the two phases of life - these are happiness🙂 and sadness😞 moments. I learnt so much form this best saying - 👇👇
"😄 Laugh - and the world laugh😄 with You
😭Weep - and you'll weep😭 alone". )
When I was happy😊 :
I looked back ↪👀- I saw, many people are with me.
I looked back again↪👀- I saw, many people are still with me, I'm happy.😊

When I was sad😞🙇 :
I looked back↪ 👀- I saw, no one was behind ↪me.
I looked back again👀 - I saw, something behind↪ me...
Who is❓❓❓
Its my shadow❗❗❗
Then I promised myself - to be happy with myself instead of expecting anything from others.

(I just want to say you all that never lose yourself due to expectations from others. Just believe in yourself and make true your dreams.)😊
         - Kusum Manjeshri