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Monday 1 July 2019

You Are Responsible For Your Good As Well As Your Bad Results

Me Kusum Manjeshri, I have a lot of dreams in my eyes and in my mind. I want to fulfill to my every dreams, but I am finding that I am not doing the exact work on it. I am doing something else. I am not happy. Every day I am feeling tiered and frustrated due my own unfulfilled wishes. I am continuously blaming on myself , that it’s all due to me and I am continuously going into deep distress.
Disturbance is now going to reach its highness and my positiveness become negativeness. I am losing my every strength and wish.
Awake…….. Awake……. Awake……. Awake……… Kusum…… Awake my dear Kusum.
You can do everything…. you need to do some work on yourself.
You need nothing except yourself. Your problem is you. Just start to analyze your weakness and problems. Start to do work on it. It will help you. It will heal you. Don’t waste your time, it’s really very important. And remember one you are also very important for yourself.
So, let’s start to do work on you……
Speak less do more.
Keep focus on your aim.
Don’t try to earn money, try to give your best.
 Again start to know yourself, know your goodness.
Start to do something creative.
Express your views on the paper.
Let free your mind and heart from the bondages of money making ideas.

- Kusum Manjeshri

Sunday 24 June 2018

एक किताब होगी एक किताब होगी ढ़ेरों शब्दों का मैला होगा कई विचित्र कलाए होगी कई पन्नों का रास्ता होगा उन पन्नों पर लिखा बहुत कुछ होगा उपन्यास, कहानी, और एक पागल-सा शायर होगा ! एक किताब होगी वो मेरे दिल के बेहद पास होगी मेरी जान-ए-मोहतरमा के लिए शायद बेहद ख़ाश होगी उनको और बेहतर समझने के लिए मेरी एक प्यास होग़ी कुछ लिखा हो या ना लिखा हो उनकी क़ातिलाना अदाओं की सारी बात होगी ! एक किताब होगी न फूल बना होगा न कहीं आँसुओ से बनी कोई धाराए होगी बस उनके ग़ुलाबी होठों की गुस्ताखीयो की अदाए होगी ! एक किताब होगी शब्द सागर तो मात्राएं बारिश होगी हर पन्नों पर मेरे मेहबूब की बातें होगी कभी रोना आएगा कभी हँसते रह जाओगे ऐसा मेरे किताब का हर इक पन्ने की कला होगी ! एक किताब होगी दिनों की तड़पन , रातों की बेचैनियां होगी उनके आँखों मे जो चमक न देखी हो हमनें उस चमक के तले पूरी इक रातों में बैठें कैसे सूरज चांदो की तारीफ़ करता हैं वो कुछ अनकही-अनसुनी बातें होगी ! 💙 नीरज सिंह

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Thursday 15 June 2017

Y Girls Feel Fear

Y girls feel fear?
Due to sights of rare.
Hey boys don't b rapist
U comes out after moments of sexiest.
If u rape a girl, u r raping ur mother and sisters, 
and after that urself.
B strong and make strong to the girls,
And after dat feel u will b not feel fear to send outside to ur mother and sisters.

© Kusum Manjeshri

Wednesday 14 June 2017

A Conversation with relation of friendship & I'm

Friendship - it's not easy to have a true friend.
I'm - it's not tough to b true in friendship.

Friendship - it's a relationship of love.
I'm - it's a relationship of supporter and advisor.

Friendship - it's important to have special to become friend of any one.
I'm - Every one is special in themselves. Friend respect each other and become friend to b special of someone's special.

Friendship - .........................
I'm - Friendship want loyalty and loyalty is the best thing in friendship.

©Kusum Manjeshri

Thursday 1 June 2017

"✌Two Phases Of Life🕐"

"✌Two Phases Of Life🕐"

(In these lines, I want to express my views on the two phases of life - these are happiness🙂 and sadness😞 moments. I learnt so much form this best saying - 👇👇
"😄 Laugh - and the world laugh😄 with You
😭Weep - and you'll weep😭 alone". )
When I was happy😊 :
I looked back ↪👀- I saw, many people are with me.
I looked back again↪👀- I saw, many people are still with me, I'm happy.😊

When I was sad😞🙇 :
I looked back↪ 👀- I saw, no one was behind ↪me.
I looked back again👀 - I saw, something behind↪ me...
Who is❓❓❓
Its my shadow❗❗❗
Then I promised myself - to be happy with myself instead of expecting anything from others.

(I just want to say you all that never lose yourself due to expectations from others. Just believe in yourself and make true your dreams.)😊
         - Kusum Manjeshri